An important international meeting of ecosocialists will be held in Paris on Sunday October 7.
Our goal is to improve communication and coordination among ecosocialist activists around the world and to work towards formation of an "Ecosocialist International." (That's a provisional name, very much open to discussion!)
This meeting is a very preliminary first step: we will get to know each other, establish a provisional organizing committee, and begin discussions of projects and activities. Our main goal will be to set a time, place and preliminary agenda for a larger meeting in 2008, at which we hope there will be broad participation from green-left activists around the world.
The Convening Committee for the October 7 meeting is:
- Michael Lowy, co-author of the Ecosocialist Manifesto (France)
- Joel Kovel, author of The Enemy of Nature, co-author of the Ecosocialist Manifesto (USA)
- Derek Wall, Male Principal Speaker of the Green Party of England and Wales (UK)
- Ian Angus, editor of Climate and Capitalism (Canada)
- Do you want to be kept informed about preparations for the meeting?
- Will you be able to attend the meeting in Paris on October 7?
I hope to see you in Paris in October. If you are not able to attend in person, I hope you will support this initiative, and help ensure that the 2008 meeting is a huge success.
Ian Angus
Editor, Climate and Capitalism