Sunday, 14 October 2007

Ecosocialism Discussion Group

An email discussion group for friends and supporters of the Ecosocialist International Network has been established on yahoogroups. To join the group, go to:

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Ecosocialist International Network Launched

News Release: October 8, 2007

PARIS: On October 7th and 8th 2007, a group of ecological activists from thirteen countries met in Paris to inaugurate the Ecosocialist International Network. The International Ecosocialist Manifesto, written some years ago by Joel Kovel and Michael Löwy, was the starting point for this initiative. “Ecosocialism is a word that does not yet appear in any dictionary,” said one of the conveners of the event, “yet we believe that it represents the single best hope for healing the planet and saving society from ecological devastation.”

More than 60 activists from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States belonging to various political parties and ecological movements took part in this meeting. It was decided to organize a larger ecosocialist international conference on January 2009, in association with the next World Social Forum in Brazil.

The conference elected a coordinating committee which will help to develop the network in its opening phase; its members are:
  • Ian Angus (Canada)
  • Pedro Ivo Batista (Brazil)
  • Jane Ennis (UK)
  • Sarah Farrow (UK)
  • Danielle Follett (USA/France)
  • Vincent Gay (France)
  • Joel Kovel (USA)
  • Beatriz Leandro (Brazil)
  • Michael Löwy (France/Brazil)
  • Laura Maffei (Argentina)
  • George Mitralias (Greece)
  • Jonathan Neale (UK)
  • Tracy Nguyen (UK)
  • Ariel Salleh (Australia)
  • Eros Sana (France)
  • Derek Wall (UK)
The committee intends also to incorporate members from China, India, Africa, Oceania and Eastern Europe.

Ecosocialists believe that the driving force of the ecological crisis is the ruthless pressure of the capitalist system to expand, in a process which destroys not only the integrity of nature but also the ecological basis of human survival. They therefore reject pseudo-solutions that only adjust the system, and seek basic changes in society and its relationship to nature.

Ecosocialism is a dynamic synthesis between ‘red” and ‘green’ approaches. It has no fixed blueprints for transforming society and takes a critical viewpoint toward the experiences maide in the name of socialism during the last century.

Ecosocialists are united in the belief that if we are to have a worthwhile future, the whole world needs to come together to drive capitalism from the stage and create an alternative society based on principles of social and environmental justice as well as popular participation. Thus the network sees itself as enabling communication and solidarity among the ever-increasing numbers of people and organizations who are coming to this realization.

For further information, please consult

Monday, 3 September 2007

International Ecosocialist Meeting: Update #2

Important information for participants in the ecosocialist meeting in Paris in October. This Update includes the location of the event and a Provisional Agenda, as well as information that was previously posted.

Purpose: This meeting is a very preliminary first step: we will get to know each other, establish a provisional organizing committee for an Ecosocialist International Network, and begin discussions of projects and activities. Our main goal will be to set a time, place and preliminary agenda for a larger meeting in 2008, at which we hope there will be broad participation from green-left activists around the world.

It will not be an educational event or an academic conference. It is an organizing meeting for people who want to improve communication and coordination among ecosocialist activists around the world.

Dates: Please Note: To ensure that there is sufficient time for discussion and networking, we have arranged for the meeting to carry over to a second day.

The meeting will be held during the day on Sunday October 7, 2007, and in the morning of Monday October 8, 2007. We plan to begin at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.

Place: The meeting will convene Sunday morning in salle Franklin, 60 rue Franklin, Métro mairie de Montreuil. (That’s the Town Hall of Montreuil, which is on the eastern edge of Paris.)

The Monday morning session will be held in the National Assembly building in Paris.

Agenda: The following is a provisional agenda, subject to amendment by the participants:

  1. Introduction and Welcome by members of the Convening Committee.

  2. Self-introduction of participants.

  3. Discussion of common initiatives for the coming year, including communications, creation of a multilingual ecosocialist website, use of existing journals, etc.

  4. Discussion of a Second Ecosocialist Manifesto. Selection of a subcommittee to write a draft for international circulation and discussion.

  5. Discussion of objectives, date and location for a larger Ecosocialist conference in 2008.

  6. Election of a coordinating secretariat whose main task will be to organize the next Conference.
Who Can Attend: The meeting is open to anyone who wants to contribute to the work of improving communication and coordination among ecosocialist activists around the world. If you plan to attend, please let us know as soon as possible. Email ecosocialism[at]gmail[dot]com

Fees: There is no registration or admission fee. We may ask for voluntary contributions to defray some costs.

Expenses: Participants are responsible for all of their own expenses, including travel, accommodations, refreshments and meals.

Accommodation: We cannot recommend or endorse any particular hotels, but these hotels have been suggested as a guide:

Related Event: This meeting follows the International Marx Congress, October 3-6. For more information, go to

Monday, 11 June 2007

Join us in Paris on Sunday October 7

Dear friends:

An important international meeting of ecosocialists will be held in Paris on Sunday October 7.

Our goal is to improve communication and coordination among ecosocialist activists around the world and to work towards formation of an "Ecosocialist International." (That's a provisional name, very much open to discussion!)

This meeting is a very preliminary first step: we will get to know each other, establish a provisional organizing committee, and begin discussions of projects and activities. Our main goal will be to set a time, place and preliminary agenda for a larger meeting in 2008, at which we hope there will be broad participation from green-left activists around the world.

The Convening Committee for the October 7 meeting is:

  • Michael Lowy, co-author of the Ecosocialist Manifesto (France)
  • Joel Kovel, author of The Enemy of Nature, co-author of the Ecosocialist Manifesto (USA)
  • Derek Wall, Male Principal Speaker of the Green Party of England and Wales (UK)
  • Ian Angus, editor of Climate and Capitalism (Canada)
We know that this is short notice, but we hope to see the broadest possible representation of people and groups that define themselves as ecosocialist at the October 7 meeting. I'm writing you now to ask two questions:

  1. Do you want to be kept informed about preparations for the meeting?
  2. Will you be able to attend the meeting in Paris on October 7?
We're not asking for firm commitments now, but we need some idea of how many people to expect, so we can book space. Please respond to me by email, including any email address(es) you would like to have added to our e-list. (my address: ecosocialism AT

I hope to see you in Paris in October. If you are not able to attend in person, I hope you will support this initiative, and help ensure that the 2008 meeting is a huge success.

Ian Angus
Editor, Climate and Capitalism